
From conceptual design, study execution, data collection, to analysis and conclusion…

We transform your preclinical study plans an elegant reality

Beauty of Biology’   Principium to the discovery of modern therapeutics and nutrients

Preclinical Services

We provides a wide range of preclinical cell-based assay services to help uncovering clinical implications of natural and synthetic materials. A critical step prior to clinical studies, these cell-based assays provide developmental guidance towards therapeutic solutions.  

News & Views

Read on for our blogs, and recent publications in peer-revised books and scientific journals.

About Us

  • Experted   Broad range of specialized biological investigation expertise
  • Creative | Dynamic   Work closely with you, design and execute scientific investigations unique to your objectives
  • Accessible   Scientific staff committed for high quality, prompt technical support
  • Dependable   Fast and reliable turnaround

Our Story

PulchriBio was founded in 2017 by a Harvard researcher along with a closely-knit network of preclinical investigators and experimentalists. With scientists from a broad range of specialized biological investigation disciplinaries, as well as entrepreneurial executives, our team takes your developmental goal to the next commercialization stage.


Latest from our Blog

Sugar, alcohol, wine vs. health: are we at war or should we be friended?  So much have we heard about whether sugar is bad, or should it be cut off completely off a healthy diet. Debate is also ongoing about alcohol, even wine (including red wine, regardless the common belief on red wine health.) What are we supposed to do? Here is more to understand before you make your judgement. Read more here.

Cell-based assay market analysis & forecast: Cell-based assays have the potential to deliver more information about intracellular molecular targets than conventional methods such as molecular manipulation and random screening. These assays are critical tools for studying cellular mechanisms in a biological context. According a market intelligence company, the global cell-based assay market is anticipated to surpass $10 billion by 2023, registering a CAGR of 16.5% from 2017 to 2023. Read more here.

PulchriBio Intl

location  955 Massachusetts Ave Suite 174, Cambridge, MA 02139 US A

email_2 accounts@pulchribio.com

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